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Home / Iop_v3ServiceSet / CostMap2D


Version: 1.1
ID: urn:jaus:jss:iop:CostMap2D
Inherits From:
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:AccessControl v1.1
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:Events v1.1
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:Transport v1.0

The Cost Map 2D Service provides a mechanism to report obstacles, hazardous terrain, and no-go zones using an overhead 2D cost map. The cost map is represented by a list of cells, broken into a specified number of rows and columns, which in turn corresponds to the width and height (respectively) of the map in meters. Each cell within the map specifies a cost value, and in some cases, a confidence value. The cost is a relative measure of occupancy or effort to traverse the cell, such that a value of zero (0) means no occupancy or no effort, while a maximum cost value means a cell is non-traversable. The center point of the cost map may be specified in global or local coordinates, depending on the particular implementation, as defined by [AS6009]. The map may also be rotated around the coordinate frame’s Z-axis by the specified yaw value. Cells within the list must be sequenced such that the most northwest point, relative to the non-rotated coordinate frame, is the first element. Subsequent elements represent cells in an easterly direction, until the end of the row is reached. At that point, the next row starts again on the west side of the map. **** DIAGRAM HERE ****

Internal Event Set

Message Set
Message ID Name
D740h AddNoGoZone
D744h AddNoGoZoneResponse
D738h QueryCostMap2D
D739h QueryNoGoZones
D741h RemoveNoGoZone
D742h ReportCostMap2D
D743h ReportNoGoZones

State Machine Diagram

CostMap2D State Machine Diagram
State Transitions
Label Transition Trigger Conditional Actions
B CostMap2DControlledLoop AddNoGoZone
A CostMap2DDefaultLoop QueryCostMap2D sendReportCostMap2D
QueryNoGoZones sendReportNoGoZones

Action Name Type Description
sendReportCostMap2D Send Action Send a Report Cost Map 2D message
Output Message: ReportCostMap2D
sendReportNoGoZones Send Action Send a Report No Go Zones message
Output Message: ReportNoGoZones

Copyright © SAE International. Reprinted with Permission.
Portions Copyright © OpenJAUS LLC.
The information above is generated from the JAUS Services modelled in the OpenJAUS SDK using OpenJAUS Service Studio. It is provided as a resource to assist JAUS developers and is not a substitute for the JAUS Standards Documents which may be obtained from the SAE International.

Generated on 07/17/2019 from iop_v3.ojss