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Home / Environment_v1_0ServiceSet / RangeSensor


Version: 1.0
ID: urn:jaus:jss:environmentSensing:RangeSensor
Inherits From:
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:AccessControl v1.1
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:Events v1.1
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:Transport v1.0

The function of the Range Sensor Service is to provide information from proximity sensors. This service will output the location of various Data Points with a certain measure of accuracy. A given Range Sensor service may be comprised of one to many actual physical sensors or technologies. Each sub-sensor can be assigned (by the developer) a unique Sensor ID. When appropriate, the reserved Sensor ID of 0 may be used to refer to all sensors attached to a given Range Sensor Service. The Data Points are measured in the sensor’s native coordinate system and are expressed in terms of range, bearing and inclination. Range is the distance, in meters, along the line from the origin of the sensor’s native coordinate system (sensor’s origin) to the specified point. Bearing is the angle, in radians, that the line from the sensor’s origin to the specified point makes about the sensor’s z-axis in the right handed sense (Figure 2). Inclination is the the angle, in radians, that the line from the sensor origin to the specified point makes about the sensor’s y-axis in the right handed sense (Figure 2). Each data point has an optional ID parameter. This parameter is provided for those sensor technologies which may assign and/or track entities based on unique ID values; however, such tracking capabilities are not required for a compliant Range Sensor Service. The behavior of the data point ID is not specified, i.e. IDs may repeat in a given report and IDs may persist from one report to another. No semantic value should be placed on the ID values in a generalized way. Data Point ID behavior should be derived from the underlying sensor or algorithm technology and is mearly provided to be used in those situations where mutiple parties can agree upon the behavior and semantics of the ID values. Data from the range sensor can be reported in both a compressed and uncompressed format, different query and report messages are provided for each exchange and the kind of data compression supported by the service is reported in the Report Range Sensor Capabilities message. Requests for unsupported data compression algorithms will result in the generation of a Report Sensor Error message indicating an unsupported compression request. The range sensor can express the bearing, inclination and range terms with respect to either its native coordinate system or the vehicle coordinate system if coordinate transforms are supported. The Query Sensor Geometric Properties message can be used to determine the geometric relationship between the sensor and the vehicle coordinate system. Three possible coordinate responses are possible: (a) the service does not know the sensor’s position, (b) the sensor coordinate system is fixed with respect to the vehicle and (c) the sensor is attached to some manipulator. These cases are supported by the Report Sensor Geometric Properties message and are described therein.

Internal Event Set

Message Set
Message ID Name
2801h QueryRangeSensorCapabilities
2804h QueryRangeSensorCompressedData
2802h QueryRangeSensorConfiguration
2803h QueryRangeSensorData
2805h QuerySensorGeometricProperties
4801h ReportRangeSensorCapabilities
4804h ReportRangeSensorCompressedData
4802h ReportRangeSensorConfiguration
4803h ReportRangeSensorData
4805h ReportRangeSensorGeometricProperties
0802h SetRangeSensorConfiguration

State Machine Diagram

RangeSensor State Machine Diagram
State Transitions
Label Transition Trigger Conditional Actions
B RangeSensorControlledLoop SetRangeSensorConfiguration isControllingClient sendConfirmSensorConfiguration , updateRangeSensorConfiguration
A RangeSensorDefaultLoop QueryRangeSensorCapabilities sendReportRangeSensorCapabilities
QueryRangeSensorConfiguration sendReportRangeSensorConfiguration
QuerySensorGeometricProperties sendReportRangeSensorGeometricProperties
QueryRangeSensorData isCoordinateTransformSupported sendReportRangeSensorData
QueryRangeSensorData !isCoordinateTransformSupported sendReportRangeSensorDataInNativeSystem
QueryRangeSensorCompressedData isCoordinateTransformSupported sendReportRangeSensorCompressedData
QueryRangeSensorCompressedData !isCoordinateTransformSupported sendReportRangeSensorCompressedDataInNativeSystem

Action Name Type Description
sendConfirmSensorConfiguration Send Action Send ConfirmSensorConfiguration message to the component
Output Message: ConfirmSensorConfiguration
sendReportRangeSensorCapabilities Send Action Send a Report Range Sensor Capabilities message
Output Message: ReportRangeSensorCapabilities
sendReportRangeSensorCompressedData Send Action Send a ReportRangeSensorCompressedData message in native coordinate system
Output Message: ReportRangeSensorCompressedData
sendReportRangeSensorCompressedDataInNativeSystem Send Action Send a ReportRangeSensorCompressedData message using the requested coordinate system
Output Message: ReportRangeSensorCompressedData
sendReportRangeSensorConfiguration Send Action Send a ReportRangeSensorConfiguration message
Output Message: ReportRangeSensorConfiguration
sendReportRangeSensorData Send Action Send a ReportRangeSensorData message in native coordinate system
Output Message: ReportRangeSensorData
sendReportRangeSensorDataInNativeSystem Send Action Send a ReportRangeSensorData message in the native coordinate system
Output Message: ReportRangeSensorData
sendReportRangeSensorGeometricProperties Send Action Send a ReportRangeSensorGeometricProperties message
Output Message: ReportRangeSensorGeometricProperties
updateRangeSensorConfiguration Update the sensor user controllable configuration parameters according to the ones specified.

Copyright © SAE International. Reprinted with Permission.
Portions Copyright © OpenJAUS LLC.
The information above is generated from the JAUS Services modelled in the OpenJAUS SDK using OpenJAUS Service Studio. It is provided as a resource to assist JAUS developers and is not a substitute for the JAUS Standards Documents which may be obtained from the SAE International.

Generated on 07/17/2019 from as6060-environment.ojss