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Home / Iop_v3ServiceSet / SubsystemIDAllocator


Version: 1.4
ID: urn:jaus:jss:exp:aeodrs:SubsystemIDAllocator
Inherits From:
extended byurn:jaus:jss:core:Transport v1.0

This service is an experimental service taken from AEODRS that is designed to allocate JAUS Subsystem IDs from a central location. On receipt of a JAUS RequestSubsystemID message sent to the JAUS subsystem broadcast address, the SubsystemIDAllocator will provide the requestor with a unique subsystem ID via the GrantSubsystemID message. The SubsystemIDAllocator service also provides a query mechanism via the QuerySubsystemIDs and ReportSubsystemIDs messages by which a client can obtain a tailorable list of subsystem IDs allocated.

Internal Event Set

Message Set
Message ID Name
FB01h GrantSubsystemID
EB02h QuerySubsystemIDs
FB02h ReportSubsystemIDs
DB01h RequestSubsystemID

State Machine Diagram

SubsystemIDAllocator State Machine Diagram
State Transitions
Label Transition Trigger Conditional Actions
A SubsystemIDAllocatorDefaultLoop RequestSubsystemID broadcastGrantSubsystemIDtoSystem
QuerySubsystemIDs sendReportSubsystemIDs

Action Name Type Description
sendReportSubsystemIDs Send Action Construct and send the requeseted ReportSubsystemIDs message to the requestor.
Output Message: ReportSubsystemIDs

Copyright © SAE International. Reprinted with Permission.
Portions Copyright © OpenJAUS LLC.
The information above is generated from the JAUS Services modelled in the OpenJAUS SDK using OpenJAUS Service Studio. It is provided as a resource to assist JAUS developers and is not a substitute for the JAUS Standards Documents which may be obtained from the SAE International.

Generated on 07/17/2019 from iop_v3.ojss