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Home / Ugv_v1_0ServiceSet / ReportPlatformSpecifications

Message ReportPlatformSpecifications

Message ID: 4502h

Sends PlatformSpecifications data


Message Format
Field # Field Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 PlatformSpecifics Variant varies false
2 PlatformInertial Record false General platform specs
3 PlatformSpec Record false

Type Enum Size: Unsigned Byte
Enum Value Name Type Units Optional Interpretation
0 SkidsteerSpecifics Record false Skid-steer specific platform specs
1 AckermannSpecifics Record false

Field # Field Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 Presence Vector Unsigned Byte one false Bit 0: TrackSeparation
Bit 1: DriveWheelRadius
2 TrackSeparation Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Distance between the two tracks

Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
3 DriveWheelRadius Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Radius of the drive wheel (distance from center of the drive shaft to the outer edge of the drive wheel) in meters

Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 10.0

Field # Field Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 Presence Vector Unsigned Byte one false Bit 0: SteeringAngleRange
Bit 1: MinTurnRadius
Bit 2: WheelSeparation
Bit 3: DriveWheelRadius
2 SteeringAngleRange Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians true The maximum achievable steering angles, as measured by a virtual wheel at the center of the front axle. Negative values cause the vehicle to turn left; positive values cause the vehicle to turn right.

Real Lower Limit: -1.5707963267948966
Real Upper Limit: 1.5707963267948966
3 MinTurnRadius Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true The radius of the smallest turn the vehicle is able to make.

Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 25.0
4 WheelSeparation Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Distance between the centers of the left and right wheels

Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
5 DriveWheelRadius Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Radius of the drive wheel (distance from center of the drive shaft to the outer edge of the drive wheel) in meters

Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 10.0

Field # Field Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 Presence Vector Unsigned Byte one false Bit 0: MaximumForwardSpeed
Bit 1: MaximumReverseSpeed
Bit 2: MaximumRotationalSpeed
Bit 3: MaximumForwardAcceleration
Bit 4: MaximumReverseAcceleration
Bit 5: MaximumForwardDeceleration
Bit 6: MaximumReverseDeceleration
2 MaximumForwardSpeed Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meters per second true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 90.0
3 MaximumReverseSpeed Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meters per second true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 90.0
4 MaximumRotationalSpeed Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians per second true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 6.28
5 MaximumForwardAcceleration Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Byte
units meters per second squared true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 40.0
6 MaximumReverseAcceleration Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Byte
units meters per second squared true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 40.0
7 MaximumForwardDeceleration Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Byte
units meters per second squared true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 40.0
8 MaximumReverseDeceleration Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Byte
units meters per second squared true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 40.0

Field # Field Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 Presence Vector Unsigned Short one false Bit 0: Front
Bit 1: Back
Bit 2: Right
Bit 3: Left
Bit 4: Bottom
Bit 5: Top
Bit 6: Xcg
Bit 7: Ycg
Bit 8: Zcg
Bit 9: WheelBase
Bit 10: StaticPitchOver
Bit 11: StaticRollOver
Bit 12: VehicleWeight
Bit 13: ApproachAngle
Bit 14: DepartureAngle
Bit 15: BreakOverAngle
2 MobilityPlatformName VariableLengthString
Count Size: Unsigned Byte
one false A human-readable string for the vehicle.
3 Front Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
4 Back Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
5 Right Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
6 Left Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
7 Bottom Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
8 Top Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
9 Xcg Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Measured from the vehicle coordinate frame

Real Lower Limit: -30.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
10 Ycg Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Measured from the vehicle coordinate frame

Real Lower Limit: -30.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
11 Zcg Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Measured from the vehicle coordinate frame

Real Lower Limit: -30.0
Real Upper Limit: 30.0
12 WheelBase Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units meter true Distance between the center of the frontmost wheel and the center of the rearmost wheel.

Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 60.0
13 StaticPitchOver Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians true Real Lower Limit: -3.141592653589793
Real Upper Limit: 3.141592653589793
14 StaticRollOver Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians true Real Lower Limit: -3.141592653589793
Real Upper Limit: 3.141592653589793
15 VehicleWeight Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Integer
units kilogram true Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 1000000.0
16 ApproachAngle Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians true The angle formed by an imaginary line from the bottom of the tires to the center of the vehicle’s underside.

Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 1.5707963267948966
17 DepartureAngle Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians true The angle formed by an imaginary line from the bottom of the tires to the center of the vehicle’s underside.

Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 1.5707963267948966
18 BreakOverAngle Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians true The angle formed by an imaginary line from the bottom of the tires to the center of the vehicle’s underside.

Real Lower Limit: 0.0
Real Upper Limit: 1.5707963267948966

Copyright © SAE International. Reprinted with Permission.
Portions Copyright © OpenJAUS LLC.
The information above is generated from the JAUS Services modelled in the OpenJAUS SDK using OpenJAUS Service Studio. It is provided as a resource to assist JAUS developers and is not a substitute for the JAUS Standards Documents which may be obtained from the SAE International.

Generated on 07/17/2019 from as6091-ugv.ojss