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Home / Iop_v3ServiceSet / ReportDebrisBlowerCapabilities

Message ReportDebrisBlowerCapabilities

Message ID: D7BBh

This message is used to report the capabilities for a debris blower. It is expected that systems will support either a single (fixed) speed, or multiple settings that can be categorized as low, medium, or high. For systems in which the angle of discharge is not modifiable, or must be modified mechanically, implementations should report the same value for minimum and maximum azimuth/elevation.

Message Format
Field # Field Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 SpeedCapabilities BitField
Integer Size: Unsigned Byte
one false Bit field representing the underlying hardware capabilities. A value of one (1) means the speed is supported.

0: ON_SingleSpeed
1: ON_Low
2: ON_Medium
3: ON_High
2 MinimumAzimuth Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians false Minimum allowed azimuth angle of discharge, where a value of zero (0) represents the forward-direction of travel for the vehicle.

Real Lower Limit: -3.141592653589793
Real Upper Limit: 3.141592653589793
3 MaximumAzimuth Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians false Maximum allowed azimuth angle of discharge, where a value of zero (0) represents the forward-direction of travel for the vehicle.

Real Lower Limit: -3.141592653589793
Real Upper Limit: 3.141592653589793
4 MinimumElevation Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians false Minimum allowed elevation angle of discharge, where a value of zero (0) represents the direction parallel to the ground.

Real Lower Limit: -1.5707963267948966
Real Upper Limit: 1.5707963267948966
5 MaximumElevation Scaled Integer
Integer Size: Unsigned Short
units radians false Maximum allowed elevation angle of discharge, where a value of zero (0) represents the direction parallel to the ground.

Real Lower Limit: -1.5707963267948966
Real Upper Limit: 1.5707963267948966

Copyright © SAE International. Reprinted with Permission.
Portions Copyright © OpenJAUS LLC.
The information above is generated from the JAUS Services modelled in the OpenJAUS SDK using OpenJAUS Service Studio. It is provided as a resource to assist JAUS developers and is not a substitute for the JAUS Standards Documents which may be obtained from the SAE International.

Generated on 07/17/2019 from iop_v3.ojss