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Home / Mobility_v1_0ServiceSet / SetElement

Message SetElement

Message ID: 041Ah

This message is used to add, insert or replace one or more elements in a list. Each element is uniquely identified by the UID, and the sequence within the list is specified by the previous (parent) and next (child) elements. This message can also be used to update an existing element.


Message Format
Field # Field Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 RequestID Unsigned Byte units one false ID of the request. This ID will be returned in the response message.
2 ElementList List false

Count Field: Unsigned Byte
Field # Field Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 ElementUID Unsigned Short units one false 1 to 65534, values of 0 and 65535 are reserved.
2 PreviousUID Unsigned Short units one false UID of the previous (parent) element in this list. The value is 0 if this is the first (head) element.
3 NextUID Unsigned Short units one false UID of the next (child) element in this list. The value is 0 if this is the last (tail) element.
4 ElementData Blob
Count Field: Unsigned Short
varies false Format Enumeration:

Copyright © SAE International. Reprinted with Permission.
Portions Copyright © OpenJAUS LLC.
The information above is generated from the JAUS Services modelled in the OpenJAUS SDK using OpenJAUS Service Studio. It is provided as a resource to assist JAUS developers and is not a substitute for the JAUS Standards Documents which may be obtained from the SAE International.

Generated on 07/17/2019 from as6009-mobility.ojss