OpenJAUS SAE SDK  6.0.0
Deprecated List
Member openjaus::core_v1_1::services::Events::publish (model::Message *message)

This function will be removed in a future revision. Use publish(uint16 messageId, model::ConnectionType type, double maximumRate_Hz) instead.

Member openjaus::core_v1_1::services::Events::publish (uint16 messageId)

This function will be removed in a future revision. You should explicitly specific the maximum frequency and connection type for all published messages.

Member openjaus::core_v1_1::services::Events::unpublish (model::Message *message)

This function will be removed in a future revision. Use unpublish(uint16 messageId) instead.

Member openjaus::system::Timer::reset (int milliseconds)

This function will be removed in a future revision.

Member openjaus::system::Timer::setInterval (int milliseconds)

This function will be removed in a future revision.